When you look closely at the seams between order and chaos, do you see the same things I see?The strain, the tears, the glimpses of truth hidden underneath.Oct 31, 2021Oct 31, 2021
The Mystery of LogicWhen I was at school, we had a subject called, Logic — bit of a mash between problem solving, maths, philosophy and reason. Insanely…Oct 18, 2020Oct 18, 2020
An Anonymous ResponseI refer to the postface declaration by John Perry Barlow — Founding EFF Member (22 years prior).Oct 17, 2020Oct 17, 2020
Welcome to Our Nervous SystemWhen I was about 11 or 12, I had a fascination with this internet thing, spending hours playing with various parts, in attempts to make…Oct 17, 2020Oct 17, 2020
Alex KozinskiU.S. Court of Appeals Judge for the Ninth Circuit from 1985 to 2017Oct 10, 2020Oct 10, 2020
Hip-Hop & Open Source — Git-HopFor a long time I have thought about this, not really spoken with anyone in too much depth — doesn’t make a lot of sense to people who…Oct 10, 2020Oct 10, 2020