Conscience Dimensions

2 min readOct 22, 2020

Peace Theory

The path to Understanding.
Pt.1) Notes..

The Five Dimensions of Conscience

0D โ€” Known / Outer Conscience

This is you โ€” the you that is thinking right now while reading this, hi.

You didnโ€™t start with this though, did you? Over time, your inner self developed this you to protect it.

You are born as an inner self, and over time develop an outer self shell that most people become by their teenage years โ€” by way of an almost complete amalgamation into your outer self โ€” a universal self.

1D โ€” Inner / Self Conscience

This is your spontaneous or reactive conscience, you cannot choose, nor control what it does โ€” your true self, a malleable conscience and can be trained over time.

Your inner self can only develop your outer self with help from your other self.

2D โ€” Sub / Other Conscience

This is your Spirit โ€” this is a big deal, yes this is a living, breathing spirit. With as much as a right to live as any person; you need to protect your spirit with your life. They see you. They know you, and they have a list.

That list is what Karma is.

Humans arenโ€™t naturally born with the required senses to engage with their other conscience, so naturally live in this world of Karma instability.

Though, only your inner self can communicate with your other self. Your outer self must work with your inner self through harmonics to attain a line of understanding through the three states of conscience โ€” a higher understanding.

3Dโ€” Higher / Enlightened Conscience

Some people are more in tune with their higher conscience, or an enlightened conscience. This path of enlightenment is learning to communicate with your other or your โ€˜kinโ€™ spirit. During this process, you witness the equal and opposite perspective of who you are, and you come to an understanding of what you must fix for your spirit to not have to keep a darn list.

This is also referred to as thinking three dimensionally, thinking with all of your interpersonal conscience states in unison. A unified self.

An enlightened conscience is knowing that you donโ€™t know.

4D โ€” Collective / Shared Conscience

Your other self is the bridge to a collective conscience. Through a process of atonement with your other self you create a level of trust, a spectrum that you work on over time โ€” the path to becoming a unified self. It is only as a unified self that you can access the shared self.

A shared conscience is knowing that you know.

By no means do I claim to be an expert of anything, or know anything about writing, journalism, maths, physics, science, computers etc. apart from binge-watching some docuseries on Netflix.




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